Mamahood; let’s DO this!

Ok, so typically I would not post about what anyone else does, that being said I’ve decided to create a call to action. Mamas, let’s stop judging one another. Let’s stop sizing up how we gave birth, what diapers we use and if we use bumper pads or not.  Let’s stop using social media to shame or tear down fellow mamas. Why?! Because it hurts. I’m so disappointed when I see us mamas tearing other mamas down.

We are all connected by one thing, we have been blessed to have children all our own (whether birthed or adopted or even step), we are all attached by a cord of responsibility for a future generation. 

Let’s stop. Let’s embrace one another, let’s love one another and most of all let’s lift each other up! Kindness and acceptance are some of the most desired things around the world, so let’s give it out like candy at Halloween. Scratch that, giving it out at Halloween makes it sound like we need to dress up to receive it; no let’s just spread them everywhere, regardless of what we would have done ourselves or how we would have done it differently.  Because kindness and acceptance are FREE. 

Mamahood is one of the most powerful sisterhoods out there! So let’s call that order to march. Let’s celebrate our differences, let’s support our new mamas or less informed mamas. Let’s be caring and earnest in our comments on social media, if we see something may be wrong let’s be classy and privately message where we think there needs improvement. 

Mamas, we are setting the example so let’s set the standard high and help our littles grow to be better than we could ever be. When babies are around, sleep is minimal, emotions are wild and the number one thing us mamas need it an outstretched arm of support; we don’t need hands to only push us down. 

That being said, let’s lessen the judging, public shaming and finger pointing that only cause hurt and offense. Instead let us change it, let us being to increase the embraces of kindness, blankets of support and sisterhood of uplift that will help all mamas out there. 

In closing, I want to take a moment to say: mamas keep up the good work, keep taking care of your kids the best you can each and every day; smile at a stranger because smiling is contagious and that’s one thing I love to catch.  Send a fellow mama a message of encouragement because a kind word can change someone’s day in a moment. If you can, give a text or call just to say “I’m thinking of you and you’re awesome.”  Remember, happy people are the most beautiful and smiles do more repair than any discouraging word. Let’s do this mamas, let’s be the change. 


earnest mom. 

Earnest Mom Baby Wears. Do You?!

Featured image courtesy of Babywearing International 

It’s International Baby Wearing week this week! I love wearing earnest baby everywhere I can. Since she is still nursing it allows us to keep that intimate closeness but I can’t lie, as a stay at home mom the whole “carry your baby hands free” helps me out so much! We started out using a K’tan, which is a Stretchy Wrap and for my inexperience, was a great starter wrap for us. We have since used ring slings, buckle carrier and woven wraps. Every carrier is different and unique as you and your baby; for earnest baby and I, we are a huge fan of the buckle carriers. 

So…why baby wear? Check out this great infographic courtesy of   Curious about baby wearing but don’t know where to start? Well if you are local to Erie, there is an amazing and supportive natural parenting shop, The Pure Parenting Shop where they have a wide array of carriers and super sweet staff that are more than willing to help get you in the perfect carrier for you and your baby!  They also are having a 20% off of a comfy joey ring sling or wrap conversion ring sling; so if you’re here in Erie, PA stop in and say hi!  They also host a great baby carrying support group Don’t Give Up The Wrap, so if you’re new or experienced in babywearing and are looking to connect check them out too! If you are not local to Erie, hit up Google and Facebook and look for lending libraries, natural parenting shops and babywearing groups in your area to get wearing your baby. Also, be sure to check out Baby Wearing International, this site is full of helpful information and may even help you find a local chapter to attend. 

Stay tuned, all week I will feature a different carrier on Earnest Mom Blog to help you choose which carrier would be perfect for you! Already baby wear? Please comment and share your baby wearing experience! Oh! And you may want to be checking in on my Facebook page…there MAY be a sweet giveaway sometime this week!


earnest mom

Earnest Mom loves Bookroo, and you should too!

With the mass flood of subscription boxes out there, it’s hard to sort through and see which ones are the best fit for you and your family. Boxes range from bow ties, nail polish  and make up to fitness and even dog and cat themed; then there is the children’s market and this is the area that peaks my interest. I love the idea of something special coming in the mail every month for my earnest littles. I’ve tried many out there, which mainly focus on toys or crafts and I was recently introduced to Bookroo. 

Bookroo is a monthly subscription box that, like many others can be paid on a multiple month subscription at a discounted price or just a renewable monthly one for a set price each month.  This sub-box was started by three couples who were passionate about helping families build their children’s library; especially with the current reports of the importance of early literacy for our children. 

Starting at $17.95 a month (stay tuned for an earnest mom exclusive discount) you can choose from a 6, 3 or 1 month subscription plan and your child will received a specially curated box of 2-3 books for their own library. I earnestly love this, I love the passion I feel from this company as they truly desire to help increase literacy for children. They quoted one of my favorite authors with their mission statement:

“It is a great thing to start life with a small number of really good books which are your very own.”

– Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

I also love that if they send you a book you already have, you can snap a pic of the two books to them and they will give you a discount off of your next box! And hey, if you have two of that book now – donate to a local book bank or drive to help other families build their own libraries too! 

So, looking to try something new? Something that will increase your children’s love for literacy and learning? Then, why not invest in their own library, and their own opportunity to explore the world through the timeless written word. Go ahead, give Bookroo a try! Check out this earnest mom link Bookroo Subscription and a $4 discount will be automatically applied when you check out. 

Remember earnest followers, as quoted by the beloved Dr. Suess, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go.”  Happy readings!


earnest mom.