Bottle or Breast, Fed is Best. This Post Includes a Link to an Excellent Formula Resource.


As the earnest home is gearing up to welcome baby number 3, another way that this mom is getting ready is with breast-feeding supplies.  In my previous post about postpartum preparedness I mentioned a breastfeeding kit I put together.  I have done this because I plan on breastfeeding.  I have nursed my previous children, and have also supplemented with formula as that is what worked for us!

With our firstborn, my goal was to nurse until he was one.  By 6 months, I was back at work, pumping, supply dwindling and the stress of having enough milk to feed my nursling was not helping in the supply department.  His weight dropped and the doctor became concerned and recommended we supplement with formula.  So, earnest dad and I began researching organic/high quality formulas for out little man – this was tedious but we felt it necessary, 7.5 years ago the options were not as available as they are today.  I continued to nurse at night and when he woke up until 9 months.  I was happy to make 9 months with him but knew with future babies I would want to nurse longer.

With our second, our breastfeeding journey was MUCH different.  I was blessed to be a full-time mom and although I supplemented with formula here and there, we nursed until she was 2.

As I prepare for this new little one to join us, my hopes again are to nurse him, but I am not putting too much pressure on myself as I want to be prepared for anything.  With that being said, as the title of this article states; Fed is Best, I am a firm believer in that. Some moms can nurse, some cannot, some need supplementing and some do not.  WHATEVER works for every family is most important for that family.  I like that breast milk is free and as natural as it gets but, formula works too.

In trying to be prepared, I am keeping all options open and I have found and EXCELLENT resource for formula comparisons.  If breastfeeding does not pan out for me (or for you) this website has done a lot of the leg work I had to do so many years ago when making the switch.  In their research they have included their favorite budget friendly formula, lactose based formula, soy formula, organic formula and generic formula.  The formula that I used to supplement with our second made the list at one of the few to be without ARA and DHA but was the only certified organic on their favorites list.  Their research can be found here:

I found these reviews incredibly informative and helpful, if I have to go the formula route, it has aided in my choice of which one to use.  The article is bit lengthy but breaks down ingredients and additives, why they are in some not in others, what sweeteners are used and why, non-GMO vs GMO, and much more.  They have definitely given a plethora of information that was really new to me!  I find this to be an excellent resource and hope you do too!!

Not expecting?  Still bookmark this link, it may prove to be very helpful in the future.  Hope this helps earnest followers!!

x.  earnest mom.

Postpartum Prep. Padsicles. 


I have been trying to get more prepared with baby number three, so far I have 8 freezer meals done, my hospital bag and baby’s bag packed, nursing pillow at the door with bags and breast pump all cleaned up. Now I am making myself some postpartum care essentials to keep on hand.

For recovery I have created a nursing basket packed full of breast pads, Silverette nursing cups, protein bars, nipple butter, chapstick and boxed waters. I have also created a postpartum basket stocked with the Fridababy Fridet mom washer, stool softeners, Earth Mama soothing bottom spray and bottom balm, organic overnight pads, Tucks pads and Dermaplast spray.  Definitely not my first time at the postpartum recovery rodeo and with two children already in tow – I am trying to be sure this mama has everything on hand for those first few, fuzzy days home with our newest addition.

The next thing I have done which is a first for me, is making some homemade padsicles. I remember the cooling, soothing relief I had with the ones I was given in the hospital after labor  with both previous pregnancies, and I missed them once I was home. This time around I have them stocked!!  Here is what I used:

  • Witch Hazel
  • Lavender Essential Oil
  • Aloe Vera Gel
  • Organic Cotton Pads
  • Spray Bottle

I filled the spray bottle with Witch Hazel, 4-6 drops of the Lavender EO and shook well.

I then, opened the pads but kept the sticky liners on, applied a generous amount of Aloe Vera then followed with 6-8 sprays of the Witch Hazel/Lavender blend.

I then folded the pads back together, placed back in their packages and then into a gallon sized ziplock bag. That’s it – repeat until then whole package is done, seal the bag and place in your freezer. It took me about 20 minutes total and it will be completely worth it!!  Trust me, your perineum will thank you ;).

Good luck mamas and hope my prep work will help you get prepared to recover after welcoming your darling littles into this world. Take care of yourself and then you can take care of others!

x. em.