The Earnest Mom Squad


As you may know, earnest mom held an open application on Earnest Mom’s Facebook Page to bring some fresh new mamas on board as regular contributors. I am so thankful for all of the applicants who were willing to reach out and share their stories with me. As I am just starting out, I kept the squad to a small number of mamas so we could stay personal and grow together. I am over the moon excited to have introduced you to the three newest members of the Earnest Mom Squad to you over the last few weeks and felt I better give a better introduction to myself, Earnest Mom. 

My name is Rebecca and my husband and I have been happily married for 8.5 years. We have two children, Earnest Boy who is turning 7 and Earnest Baby who is no longer a baby but a busy, happy 2.5 year old. I am a stay at home mom to Earnest Baby and our newest addition Holly Golightly our Jack Russel mix. We go to church on Sundays and make all the effort we can to sit together to have supper every night, a value my parents instilled in my as a young girl. Saturdays are for cleaning and adventuring, and I love finding DIY projects for the hubs and I, plus trying to make my home more green. 

I am very passionate about this thing called motherhood and feel all moms, not matter parenting choices or preferences should feel welcomed. I strive to keep an open mind, have a blog where all mamas can feel connected and can be mamas who support mamas. Given a lot of today’s politics, news and opinions, I do not blog my personal political stances as I want all to feel welcomed and supported in their choices; the passion from all sides being as strong as can be, tend to fog this up and I am looking to build bridges not walls. Please know that I support you mamas, breastfeeding or formula – fed is best. Co-sleeping or crib sleeping – rest is best. Organic or non-organic, working moms or stay home mom, fashionistas or yoga pants are fancy moms – what works for every family is what is best for every family. This mommying gig can be exhausting, exhilirating and truthfully some of the most frustrating and joyous experiences I have ever known. When we are all working so hard to do what we know to be best for our families, a little kindness can go a long way.  

I am interested in connecting with moms of all walks and have a safe forum for us all to connect. The Earnest Mom Squad is assembled of mamas that are from completely different walks than me, we have a mom of multiples, a mom with experience with PPD and PPA, a mom with an experience with g-tubes, and much more. I am so excited for you to start hearing their journeys!

I have had a lot of requests about when the next application round will be available, there will be more as I hope to grow this little squad in support and numbers to share mamas from everywhere; so keep a look out this summer!
x. earnest mom. 

Welcome to the Earnest Mom Squad. Part Three.


Our final addition to the Earnest Mom Squad is the one and only Kate!  Here is an introduction below, please join me in welcoming her.

My name is Kate M…I am a 22-year-old wife and a mom of 2 babies but only 1 of which I get to hold in my arms. My husband and I met in 2012 and were engaged by 2013 6 months into dating, quick I know but when you know he’s your best friend why wait? In 2015 just before our wedding we found out we were pregnant however we unfortunately lost the baby at 9 weeks 4 days pregnant for unknown causes. We were married in October of 2015 and by December we were pregnant again only 6 months after loosing our first baby. That was the hardest transition ever but the most amazing feeling to know I had another chance so quickly. Now our baby is almost 6 months old and growing so quickly.

Everyday is a struggle, I never forget my first baby however I have to stay strong for my son. I am definitely a lucky mommy; he has slept through the night since a month old and now with teething, he barely fusses just sucks his bottom lip and loves his teething toys. I am also very blessed with my husband as he is the most supportive through everything and our son absolutely loves his daddy. Since day one he has had a bond with both of us no one could ever take away. I am blessed beyond words with my family and I don’t know where I would be without them.

We look forward to hearing more from Kate as well as the rest of our new members, A. and Kahentiiosta. Stay tuned for some great articles coming your way!

x. earnest mom.

Welcome to the Earnest Mom Squad Part Two


Next, I would like you to all meet another member of the Earnest Mom Squad, Kahentiiosta. Please join me in giving her an earnest welcome

Hi, I am Kahentiiosta. I have three daughters, 9, 6, 6. The youngest ones are fraternal twins. I am married to Saveoun, we have been married for just over 10 years. We currently live in Southwest Ontario, Canada. 

I am a full-time university student in my 3rd year of school for my Bachelors of Social Work. Prior to attending school, I worked as a Early Childhood Educator. I spend most my time going between school, home and various volunteer jobs. I sit on the board of directors for an Aboriginal centre, parent volunteer for my daughter’s school, Indigenous Parent Committee participant amongst some other smaller places. My emphasis in school is Indigenous competency, early childhood education, and advocacy for children, and Adolescents.

I enjoy spending time with my family, going on weekend trips, rv’ing—when the weather is nice, swimming and enjoying outside activities. 

I breastfeed all my children and co-slept with them until they were old enough to sleep on their own. But whichever way people chose to feed and help their children sleep I am encouraging and will assist in finding solutions with issues.

Throughout the years and even now I am the go to person for advice on child rearing, as my children are significantly older than most of my friend’s children. I am always willing and eager to help with any issues and find a solution that works best for the family. Each family is different and as are all children, being aware of that is helpful in assisting with families.

We have had a very busy 4 years after my twins were born, but life is starting to slow down, when it comes to the busyness of dealing with a toddler, and newborns.

Each stage of life has changed our family and we’ve gone thru many transitions. Some we thought we would never get out of but in the end, we prevailed. I am grateful for a very supportive husband who encouraged me to continue school, even if it meant changing everyone’s lives. So far we have survived!

I’m grateful for the opportunity that Earnest Mom has given me to share some insight into my life, and thoughts. I look forward to hearing from everyone.