Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, an earnest gem.


Please note that earnest mom receives no compensation for this post, I just earnestly adore and cannot praise this FREE program enough!

 Dolly Parton created The Imagination Library in 1995 in her home county, in Tennessee. Her hope was to bring a love of reading to children in her community by delivering developmentally and age appropriate books to children. She wanted to be sure that no matter a family’s income, every child could have a library all their own. Fast forward to 2016, and over 1600 local communities provide the Imagination Library to over 750,000 children every month. 

We have been blessed that in 2010 when earnest boy was born our county in Michigan had an Imagination Library program where he built a library consisting of rich and classic books that were mailed to him every month from newborn until age 5. That is 60 books total, as a family just starting out we could not have hoped to create a collection of books like that for him. I was so grateful for such a wonderful program. When earnest baby was born, I assumed that since we had already had the Imagination Library in our home for one child, we would not be able to get it for her. Boy was I wrong, Dolly Parton wants every child to have their own library, no matter the number of children in your home!

Now living in Erie, PA we still receive a book a month for her, and she is always excited to get her very own book every month. We open it together, read it and then she gets to explore it. 

Here in Erie, The United Way of Erie County sponsors The Imagination Library and so long as you remain in Erie County your child will recieve a free book per month until they turn five.  The United Way of Erie County has gone one step further and created Reading Buddies. 

To maximize the impact of the Imagination Library, United Way of Erie County created Reading Buddies, a program that gives parents and other caring adults guidance and tips on early childhood reading. Developed by local reading specialists, Reading Buddies focuses on ways to increase the love of reading in young children.

The Reading Buddies program techniques are simple and proven! Parents and caring adults receive helpful tips and information on making the most of reading with their children. This leads to children being prepared for kindergarten and success in school! Children are welcome to attend Reading Buddies events, with activities provided in a separate, supervised area during the adult training. To attend an event near you, check out the Reading Buddies calendar! – United Way of Erie County Website

We have attended many Reading Buddy events here in Erie, we have met the cast of Erie Playhouse’s Rapunzel and Peter Pan plus enjoyed tips to encourage reading and literacy at home while the earnest kiddos got to play and do crafts. All free. Having benefited so much from the work that The United Way does here in Erie I hope to share this information so others can benefit too!

How so you sign up?! If you in Erie County PA, sign up here. Be sure to sign up for the United Way of Erie Newsletter and follow them on Facebook so you can be up to date on the fun events they have planned. For instance, today they have Reading Buddies planned (preregistration was required). 

Saturday, October 15 

Registration: 10:30am

Event: 11:00am – 12:30pm

Join United Way, the Erie Public Library and our friends at the Erie Playhouse for Reading Buddies with the Youtheatre cast of Arthur’s Halloween! Parents will learn helpful, everyday tips for reading with children. All families attending will receive lunch and free tickets to see a performance of the play at The Erie Playhouse! Families will be entered to win an interactive story buddy. 

Not in Erie, PA?! Thats okay, see if your county has their own Imagination Library Program here. The Imagination Library is currently available in Austrailia, Canada, United Kingdom and The United States. I earnestly recommend to take advantage of the this free program now. 

x. em. 

United Way of Erie County Website

United Way Of Erie Co Facebook Page

The Imagination Library Webstie

Mommying is Hard. Earnest Support, and it’s Free. 


There are a ton of books, experts and advice out there. Support and help to get us through the crazy yet amazing journey called parenting. Well, as a mom of two strong willed, messy, smiley and sometimes sticky kiddos I am always looking advice. Especially when it comes to the hot topics like discipline, eating and education.

I believe each and every parent needs love, support and guidance for parenting especially since most of it is ‘learn as you go.’  Since having both my little ones, I feel like God has given me the most profound job I could ever have – raising two tiny humans into *hopefully* kind, empathetic, honest, caring adults who also have the freedom to be who they want to be. At times I find myself stumped, and they are only 6 and 2. Knowing this is only the beginning, I search for parenting information and articles that I can sift through to make into my own parenting style that will be successful for this earnest little family.

In the past, I have attended and traveled to MommyCons, Gearapaloozas and local parenting events here in Erie that have all been at cost; as I was simply seeking advice, support and connecting to other fellow mommas.  I will tell you, these events are worth MORE than their weight in gold and I would recommend any parent that can attend, go; however, that is not always an option. Well this weekend I stumbled on a gem!! A FREE, seriously, a free mom conference.

The is conference called The Mom Conference and it is online from October 11-13, 2016. They will send you your special link every morning to watch the seminars for that day, at your own pace. The only catch, the link and seminars will expire after 24 hours.  I found this conference through Positive Parenting Solutions Facebook page, where I have often found very helpful FREE webinars.  I am hopeful that this conference will be just as helpful and informative.

According to The Mom Conference website,

The Mom Conference is three days full of fabulous online interviews with TWENTY of your favorite speakers, authors and bloggers.

Motherhood is hard. But motherhood is also beautiful. This conference is about helping you maximize the beautiful stuff while minimizing the hard stuff.

The Mom Conference will give you inspiration alongside powerful, concrete ideas to help you be the mom you really want to be.

Please know, this blog post is in no way sponsored, I earnestly am excited to try this free resource and hoping to get as many moms out there the opportunity as well. If you are interested, use this link MOM CONFERENCE REGISTRATION to register.

x. em