It Is Mother’s Day?! Here are some FREE ideas for those procrasti-dads out there!


Okay, so I am totally the kind of person that already has a plan set (complete with gifts ready) to celebrate Father’s Day next month – but let’s face it not all have the time or opportunity to plan a head.  I am posting this one for the dads who still need a little inspo for Mother’s Day, which is Sunday!  Here are some easy-peasy, totally FREE ideas that you can do for your significant other this Mother’s Day weekend. (If you are a mom reading this list, feel free to leave ideas in the comments below and then forward on to the procrasti-dad in your life)

Breakfast in bed. Let mom sleep in, get up with the kids and make a smashing brekkie. Personally, I am not a HUGE fan of food in bed. However, the thought and effort that goes into planning and executing breakfast is bed is so darling; I would eat anything brought to me as I wake. Coffee, do not forget the coffee ;).

All the laundry done. I mean, I am pretty sure this gesture would help any mom feel appreciated and let her really relax. Actually, why stop at laundry – give mom the day off! Meaning dad, you and the kids do all the chores that day (and not just leave the chores until Monday so mom does them anyway). If you really want make her Mother’s Day gift a home run, give her the whole weekend off!

Take the kids to the park. Seriously, sometimes us moms just need a few hours, alone, in the quiet. Get kiddos all dressed, sun-blocked and head out to the nearest park! Best part, if they run themselves tired they may need a nap when you get back, which means you and mama can nap too. Two birds, one stone!!

Make her favorite meal for dinner. Okay, this one may cost a little depending on the food in your fridge and pantry but trust me, a surprise meal with all her favorites will be enjoyed for sure. Have the kids make up a menu, take her order and serve her the whole course. Do not forget to make (or pick up) her favorite dessert.

Homemade cards/art. That’s right, bust out some markers, paper, glue, scissors and some creativity. Us moms love some handmade notes and pictures that say I love you. Not too crafty? Print out some All About Mom fill in blank sheets like the one found here at Mom It Forward, have kids fill them out themselves along with drawings. Kids not writing yet? No problem, let them draw and you interview them then record their answers for them.

So, want to know how to hit a grand slam?! Treat mom to ALL of the above. All of these sweet acts of love will leave any mama feeling all warm and fuzzy with love and appreciation from her family. Good luck dads and I hope you and your family have a great Mother’s Day weekend.

x. earnest mom