Earnest Mom Squad Feature: Motherhood to Me.


Here is a look into motherhood as seen by our Mom Squad member, Kahentiiosta.  I am hoping to help each mama see, there is no perfect way to be a mom, but a million ways to be the mom your kids need.  Please feel free to comment and keep the conversation going about your journey into motherhood.  x.  em.

Motherhood to me is not exactly how I thought. I think we all have preconceived assumptions of what we expect and know.  However, when you’re an actual parent a majority of the ideas I had, are completely different.  One so far has been the busy life and all the small details I am accountable for.  I had my first daughter and I loved her beyond anything I have ever felt before.  The first few weeks were a complete blur, and I honestly still vaguely remember large parts of the first few weeks. I was now entrusted to take care of this newborn all on my own.  I had lots of experience caring for infants, toddlers and children, so I wasn’t apprehensive about that.  My main issue was the amount of time it took to care for a baby! Day in and day out I was not responsible for every aspect of this new baby.

Prior to having children, I was against  co-sleeping based on what I was told. Then my daughter was born and I soon realized that the only way she would continue to sleep for more than 30 minute stretches is if she was wrapped and lying on my chest on her back.  The eventually I figured a way that was easier for her and I.  I was filled with guilt that I allowed this to happen, but being a full time breastfeeding Mama, the thought of having to place her in the crib each time after a feeding was too tiring to think about.  I eventually transitioned her into the bassinet and we both learned to sleep for longer periods at a time.

I chose to breastfeed with all my children and had it in my mind I would only go until twelve months for each one.  With my eldest she was almost seventeen months! I never expected to even have enough milk or the energy to continue, but as the months passed it was something we both enjoyed and I did not find it difficult to continue.

After having children, I realized that what works for my family may not work for another family.  We must find what works best for our situations, family life, and even circumstances.  The main thing is being adaptable to each child, learning ways to ensure you are taking care of your child the best to your knowledge and constantly being open to new ideas.  Children are completely different from each other and I have come to see that with each child I have had.  What works for one didn’t always work for the other one, and I had to be more accepting of the challenges and how I could change with that child.

As my girls grow older, I am becoming more aware of the ideas I had before and how I am open to accepting the changes, and learning from them.  Guiding them based on what is currently working not what I was expecting to work.

– Kahentiiosta

World Autism Month


In honor of World Autism Month, let’s talk about autism and The Light It Up Blue campaign this month.  Having been touched by personal friends and family who  individuals with autism in their lives, I am earnestly hoping to help spread awareness and education about autism.

What is autism spectrum disorder?
Autism, or autism spectrum disorder, refers to a range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication, as well as by unique strengths and differences. We now know that there is not one autism but many types, caused by different combinations of genetic and environmental influences.
The term “spectrum” reflects the wide variation in challenges and strengths possessed by each person with autism.

Autism’s most-obvious signs tend to appear between 2 and 3 years of age. In some cases, it can be diagnosed as early as 18 months. Some developmental delays associated with autism can be identified and addressed even earlier. Autism Speaks urges parents with concerns to seek evaluation without delay, as early intervention can improve outcomes.

Some facts about autism 

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates autism’s prevalence as 1 in 68 children in the United States. This includes 1 in 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls.
  • An estimated 50,000 teens with autism become adults – and lose school-based autism services – each year.
  • Around one third of people with autism remain nonverbal.
  • Around one third of people with autism have an intellectual disability.
  • Certain medical and mental health issues frequently accompany autism. They include gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, seizures, sleep disturbances, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety and phobias.

About Autism Speaks
Autism Speaks is dedicated to promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the lifespan, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families through advocacy and support; increasing understanding and acceptance of autism spectrum disorder; and advancing research into causes and better interventions for autism spectrum disorder and related conditions.

Autism Speaks enhances lives today and is accelerating a spectrum of solutions for tomorrow.

To test your knowledge of autism, click this link and the Light It Up Blue take the quiz to learn more about people with autism.  Also, join us in sharing in the #LightItUpBlue campaign in the month of April on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  http://bit.ly/ASDquiz

x. em.