Earnest Advice. Things I would tell my first time mom self 6 years ago. 

I cannot believe that earnest boy is turning 6 this April, it has literally flown by!  As a first time mom, I read all the books a first time mom should read, went to all the classes and tried my earnest to be as prepared as possible. I thought I did a pretty good job of it too, right up until I became a parent two times over. Once earnest baby joined the equation, my earnest mom eyes were opened. Here are 5 pieces of advice that i would go back and tell myself 6 years ago. 

  1. It’s Okay! This one changed my life the second time around. Too tired, it’s ok. Not enough milk, it’s ok. Messy house, it’s ok. If you are happy, baby is happy, then it is ok. We as moms put so much pressure on ourselves to do EVERYTHING that those first few months can become overwhelming when our main focus should be recovering and baby!
  2. Accept help. Similarly to the above mentioned, with my first I had to do it all. Cloth diaper, exclusively breastfeed, work full time, keep a pristine house and make sure laundry never built up. On top of it all, as I said before I felt I had to do it all. And when I didn’t, or actually couldn’t I felt like I was failing. Asking for help from earnest dad and sharing the pressures I was feeling was such a blessing and relief all at the same time. 
  3. Read the car seat instructions. Until my second child, I did not really focus on the car seat. The one thing that would save the life of my child if ever needed. Seriously, install with both car seat and car manuals and if you aren’t sure call the car seat company. NEVER buy a used car seat as accidents comprise the safety of seats and a used one cannot be guaranteed safe. Also, check expiration dates as the safety standards change and an expired seat is no longer safe. 
  4. You are enough. I am enough. I may not always have everything together and I know I am often scattered or do not meet all goals in one day, but I have learned to take things one day at a time. As long as I have done my best at being the mom I want my children to have, then I am enough! 
  5. Last but not least, take time for you. Whether it is a twenty minute shower when daddy gets home, a coffee and solo trip to the book store or a date night…take time for you. Do not let yourself get lost in all the mommy things that can quickly take precedence. I know that once I stopped feeling guily about not being with my child every moment of the day, I was able to feel a bit more myself by having some time with just me or other grown ups. Set time aside, once a week, once a month or evey other month; whatever time you can spare, do it! You will not regret it. 

Any tips you could share with your first time parent self? Please let us know!



Happy New Year! Earnestly not intended to be a cliche! ;)

The holidays have been a whirlwind in the earnest household. We have had our share of travel, feasts, laughter, desserts, and even the current fun of coughs and colds!  New years always brings in time of reflection on the passed year; I too found myself looking back, what a difference a year makes!

Over the passed year, the earnest family has moved TWICE, lost a dear loved one, made new friends and family, had tough times and amazing moments, all while getting through the day to day with one another.  We have had a lot of fun during our transition from selling, moving, renting, buying and moving again. Now that we have found what we feel to be our forever home, we are feeling more settled and looking forward to making the house our home. 

I am super blessed by all the support and love I have found as a blogger and looking forward to another earnest mom year with all of you! Thank you, thank you for your support, for reading each post and for all the follows! Without you guys, I would really just be writing to myself, (lol) and I earnestly enjoy connecting with all of you. 

