Earnest Mom Comes Clean with Seventh Generation. #comeclean


What does #comeclean mean?

#comeclean is a mission created by Seventh Generation, to demand transparency from companies about which ingredients are being put into our products.  Ingredient disclosure is not mandatory in United States and we are exposing ourselves to thousands of chemicals (toxic ones) daily, even if the package says “natural.”  That is why Seventh Generation is demanding Ingredient Disclosure be mandatory for all companies.  As consumers, we have the right to know what we are bringing into our homes, putting on our skin and exposing our children to.

If companies don’t tell you what’s inside right on the package, how do you know what you’re bringing around your family and into your home?

You have a right to know what goes into the products you use. Food and personal care products are required to have content labels, but there are no regulations in place for the ingredient labeling of household cleaning products – especially for the fragrances that scent those products.

Chemicals of concern can hide behind the term “fragrance” in ingredient lists on your cleaning products – chemicals that have been linked to serious health effects including allergies, asthma, cancer, and reproductive harm. – seventhgeneration.com/comeclean

Did you know? 

  • Under the FD&C Act, companies are required to list ingredients on consumer cosmetic, personal care and food products in descending order of amount, with the stipulation that flavor and fragrances can be listed under the summary description “flavor” or “fragrance”, and incidental ingredients at insignificant levels do not need to be declared. Cleaning products are not governed by the FD&C Act, and those ingredient declaration requirements don’t apply to them.
  • The term “fragrance” refers to a mixture that may be composed of any of over 3,000 chemicals, including allergens and reproductive toxins.  The Institute of Medicine equated fragrance to second-hand smoke in its potential to trigger asthma. Also, “unscented” does not mean a product is made without fragrance chemicals. This term can be misleading to consumers, particularly to those with allergies related to fragrance, natural fragrances can also cause sensitivities.

As a member of Seventh Generation’s Generation Good, I



have had access to free samples and coupons to use Seventh Generation products.  I love that Seventh Generation is committed to not only using only natural and safe ingredients, they also take pride in listing every single ingredient on their labels.  Their website also gives an entire glossary and description to every ingredient they have listed so there is zero confusion for consumers, and we can see what we are using in our homes and on our bodies.  Want to know more about Seventh Generation products and Generation Good?  Visit them here.

Hope to see you join in the #comeclean campaign along with Seventh Generation to make a cleaner home for all of us!

x.  earnest mom